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Body Work Healing Experiences

Hatha Yoga & Energy Work

My Hatha Yoga & Energy work experience is a physical, mental, emotional and energetic practice that seeks to balance the body in all dimensions through physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation technique and energy activation. It focuses on the conscious control of breathing and body movement to improve among other things, health, flexibility, concentration, and energy while promoting harmony throughout your being.

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Therapeutic Massage 

My therapeutic session is an experience where the relaxation of your whole body is prioritized. Emphasis is placed on the affected areas (spasms and muscle contractures), providing wellbeing as a result of muscle level work. 

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Sports Massage 

My Sports experience includes a combination of techniques such as deep tissue massage, stretching, and joint mobilization to address specific muscle groups and areas of tension. By increasing blood flow and promoting flexibility, this experience can help reduce muscle soreness, alleviate tightness, and enhance overall range of motion.  

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Bioenergetic Massage 

My Bioenergetic experience is a healing session on a physical, emotional and mental level. I focus on the energy centers to unblock them, through a process of channeling energy. This experience brings serenity, inner freedom, clarity and presence. 

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